- What is this?
This is a place for me to keep track of all the yuri titles I have read and would like to read. This is a website and not a spreadsheet for two reasons; firstly, I want my website to be a place for people to source yuri reviews/recommendations. I have neatly categorized all of the content here expressly for that purpose. Secondly, I want to be able to connect with other yuri fans and trade recommendations!
- Who are you?
A mystery...or not. I'm @sloshingmachineheart on Reddit. If you want to convince me to join another social media platform, give it a shot. You don't really care about that, though. You're here for the yuri. Good thing that's what I'm here for too. I'll put my top 10 yuri titles below if you're interested! :3
- Your top 10 favorite yuri titles?
I'm glad you asked. I've tried my best to rank them and give a detailed sales pitch review of each work. (I tricked you—I'm gonna ramble about my favorite yuri now! hehehehe)

1. Bloom into You (Manga)
I'm well aware that Bloom into You is a cliche first pick, but I really had to put it here. It's such an amazing story that resonates with me and many other queer people. Bloom into You is the yuri I read if I'm having a bad day or just need something familiar and welcoming. I adore every single one of the characters. Sayaka's my favorite, so I was delighted to find out about the Regarding Saeki Sayaka spinoff! It was just as wonderful of a read as the main series. If you're a yuri fan but still somehow haven't read Bloom into You, give it a try! I'm still holding on to hope for a season 2 of the anime...for now, we've got a half-finished adaptation.

2. I'm in Love with the Villainess

3. Revolutionary Girl Utena
Revolutionary Girl Utena is one of the most confusing yet fascinating pieces of media I have ever consumed. I dream about it, seriously. It's inspired my artistic ideals and style. I rewatch it on the regular, trying to make even a tiny bit more sense out of it. It's quite old and highly regarded, so I doubt that you haven't seen this anime. However, on the off chance that you truly haven't (and you can stomach some uncomfortable topics), give it a try. It'll stick with you. I can't pin down one single reason why I adore Revolutionary Girl Utena so much; in fact, I can't stop listing those reasons. The challenges of gender norms, the sensitive yet graphic depiction of abuse, the unreal and mystifying visuals and metaphors...it's wonderful.

4. The Summer You Were There

5. Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii

6. How Do We Relationship?

7. Murcielago

8. My Girlfriend's Not Here Today

9. Suicide Parabellum

10. Straight Girl Trap (Manhua)
I adored Straight Girl Trap for its humor first. Despite the connotation of a "trap," this manhua is overall very lighthearted and silly. The expressions and slapstick are excellent. The story itself was also lovely; I really enjoyed watching both couples get together. This manhua also succeeded in making me care about the side characters, which is exceedingly rare for me. I really recommend Straight Girl Trap as a silly pick-me-up. It's over 100 chapters long and completed, though it sadly has not been released in English. I have but slim hope...